Astute Networks – Company Profile

Data storage for all companies continues to grow. Managing this growth and, protecting existing infrastructure investments, and maintaining consistent levels of performance to an increasing number of users and applications, particularly in virtualized environments, are key priorities for C-level executives. Balancing these priorities is a challenge, given the sometimes conflicting objectives of each of the stakeholders.

Astute Networks, an emerging San Diego, CA based company, has a new approach that solves these problems. ViSX™ – its networked flash application performance acceleration appliance combines high reliability enterprise-class flash memory (eMLC) with its proprietary and patented DataPump EngineTM, a purpose-built highly parallelized network processor that provides full TCP & iSCSI offload, as well as key system features processed in hardware, to “ensure sustained maximum flash performance over Ethernet.”

Press Release: Around Ben Woo from Neuralytix in 10 questions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW YORK, NEW YORK – July 27, 2012: NEURALYTIX, INC. today announced today that the Institute of Industry Analyst Relations has posted an interview with Neuralytix managing director, Benjamin S. Woo. Around Ben Woo from Neuralytix in 10...

Oracle report highlights what Big Data is all about

Oracle Corporation released findings on July 17, 2012 from a recent survey they conducted across 333 North American C-level executives. The report highlights a very important (and often forgotten) foundation on what Big Data can do, and what Big Data should do.

The report reinforces Neuralytix assertion: “Big Data – if you’re not doing it, your competitors are™.”

Mellanox: FQ2’12 Results

Mellanox Technologies announced record revenues, growth and net income on July 18, 2012. Neuralytix expects that Mellanox will continue to post record quarters for the foreseeable future, but believes that Cisco and others are likely to fight back claiming Ethernet’s dominance and pervasiveness.