
NeuraScope™: Enterprise Social Networks Internal Collaboration Utility


Tom Petrocelli

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A review of the features of common enterprise social networks from a sampling of large, medium, and small vendors reveals:

  1. Enterprise social network products that are generally feature rich. Some are deeper in collaboration features, others in enterprise features, and a few excel at both.
  2. Universally strong support for sharing and communications.
  3. Either there is strong support or weak support for social workflows, but products rarely line up in the middle. Workflow support bolsters or deflates overall collaboration capabilities.
  4. Generally, there are good options for enterprise deployment. No matter the market these products are targeted towards, all have good to excellent enterprise deployment capabilities.
  5. There is wide disparity in integration options. Some products will integrate well across entire ecosystems, while others are fairly closed systems.

Some enterprise social network software products, especially from smaller companies, are driven by a particular design philosophy, such as intranet replacement or productivity enhancement. These distinctions play a role in how these products appear alongside competitors.

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