HCI Webinar (Replay)

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Bitcasa Closes Shop

Bitcasa, the company that started out as the provider of “infinite [cloud] storage” for its customers has finally shuttered its doors. Brian E. Taptich, the former CEO, Bitcasa writes the following in an open letter on Bitcasa’s home page: Bitcasa is...

Priorities 2017 (Replay)

{ “channelId” : 9225, “language”: “en-US”, “commId” : 238067, “displayMode” : “standalone”, “height” : “auto” }

Dell EMC contributes CoprHD SB SDK to OpenSDS

Towards the end of 2016, Dell EMC announced that it would contribute its CoprHD SouthBound SDK (SB SDK) to the Linux Foundation’s OpenSDS project. This is a significant move on the part of Dell EMC. It extends Dell EMC’s commitment to the open source world, and opens...