SAP Jam: Making Enterprise Social Networks Even More Relevant

The enterprise social network segment of the collaboration market is now a mature one. There is a generally accepted basket of functions that define the products in this space such as activity feeds, content sharing, profiles, and various communications capabilities...

Making Business Sense with SSDs

SSDs provide performance factors at up to two orders of magnitude over the fastest rotating magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs). They are also one-tenth of the cost of HDDs per unit of performance.
The IPO clearly demonstrated that the market is strong, and demand is high, for solid-state storage companies that have focused on market leadership, marketing and reliability.

Software-Defined Leads to Business-Defined Storage

While only a few years ago, the idea of any application, anywhere, on any device, by any authorized user, seemed cumbersome at best, and utopian at worst; this same idea is now a reality, and something on which the progress of economies depend.
SDS forms the basis around which data and applications can be delivered in a holistic manner.
Neuralytix believes that the only way venture backed SDS vendors will succeed is through an acquisition by, or significant partnership with, an OEM.