Jive Changes Status to “In a relationship” with Cisco

If one were to take an objective look – which I did in my most recent report – at Jive Software’s product it would stand up with the best of the Enterprise Social Network products. It is, to put it succinctly, full featured. The single biggest objection to...

IBM and Big Data: Announcements from “soup to dessert”

(Why would I end a meal with nuts? That phrase never made sense to me.) IBM made some announcements on April 28 related to the Big Data space. Amongst those announcements were: The addition of Big Data/Analytics Services onto the Bluemix development platform –...

I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque

As much as I hate to admit it, Bugs Bunny might be wrong! At least, Bugs might not be right (pun intended). The Washington Post has finally documented UPS’ use of Big Data technology to identify the benefits of maximizing right turns. This is an example I often use in...

Different Ways to Collaborate with Documents

Over the past few years, I’ve looked at the emerging market in document collaboration. Changes in attitude along with new technologies are changing how we create, edit, and publish documents. This is an important development because documents lie at the heart of...