OpenPOWER Foundation Aims to Build New Ecosystem for the Datacenter

The OpenPOWER Summit gave a strong start to the OpenPOWER Foundation’s worldwide efforts to gain wider OpenPOWER deployments. With solid backing from IBM, Google and many others, the ecosystem is officially launched. We’ll be watching, with great interest, to see how it develops – and how customers deploy OpenPOWER in their datacenter infrastructure – in 2015.

IT vendor priorities for the channel – What are your priorities?

The year 2014 was a year full of IT changes – and Neuralytix sees the rate of change accelerating, compared with previous year. It is so fast that it’s outpacing the rate of change that we are seeing in other markets. The IT market moves at lighting speed, because new...

Data Security Controls: Beyond Encryption

Data encryption is clearly a best practice. However, according to an Informatica/Ponemon Survey of enterprises in 2014 showed that less than 50% of enterprises are doing any form of data encryption (Figure 1). But beyond encryption, what are the other techniques are...

Why Enterprises are Looking to Copy Data for Backup, DR and more

With storage making up as much as 70% of enterprise capital IT investment budgets, there is a lot of attention being paid to what that storage capacity is actually storing, and what is the value of the data sitting on the storage system. Additional attention is paid...