Open Beats Closed

At some point in every business school student, undergraduate business major, or for that matter, any executive begins to understand the short term value of customer lock-in. By preventing your customers from being able to switch to a competitor, then you are at a...

How many duplicate de-dupe copies are enough?

This is the first post in a new series called Managing Data that will be featured here at While the growth of data is not new, the challenge of managing this data brings about new challenges and a need for creative and innovative new ways to manage this data.

How to Establish a CDO Office in Your Organization

This paper was written for MIT by Benjamin Woo, managing director of Neuralytix. An excerpt is below. The full text can be foud at the link at the end of the excerpt. Excerpt: On July 24, 2014, as part of the MIT Chief Data Officer Information Quality (CDOIQ)...

What to Do With All That (Marketing) Data

  In the past several weeks, I’ve had more conversations about omni-channel marketing than I thought I’d have over an entire year. There is intense interest in the concept. Omni-channel marketing advocates a seamless pivoting from one marketing...