IBM Verse: A New Approach to Productivity

IBM Verse is a fresh approach to an old set of problems. Organizations that are worried about how collaboration and communication impacts productivity should be looking at IBM Verse.

Microsoft’s Open Pose

On November 5, 2014, Microsoft announced that it would make Office available for free on mobile devices, including android devices. According to the announcement, customers can sign up for a preview today and the product will be availability in early 2015. This...

Open Beats Closed

At some point in every business school student, undergraduate business major, or for that matter, any executive begins to understand the short term value of customer lock-in. By preventing your customers from being able to switch to a competitor, then you are at a...

Oracle: Social Is Now Part of The Infrastructure

Larry Ellison of Oracle has been around the IT industry from before it was called the IT industry. While he doesn’t always predict the future well (cloud computing… ahem) he is a keen observer of large enterprises. He is also willing to say what he thinks. That...