A full run down and analysis of EMC World will be forthcoming early this week. Overall, EMC World’s messaging represented one of the most progressive and on point of any leading technology vendor in the market today.
Resulting from the Next Generation Storage Summit (NGSS) being held in Los Angeles, CA, Neuralytix, in conjunction with the sponsoring companies at NGSS will form an industry alliance to promote object storage. Neuralytix will take the lead on this effort.
Neuralytix was incorporated on a charter of delivering contemporary and relevant research. 2014 sees the realization of that effort. The time has come for Neuralytix to reveal its IT21 initiative. IT21 stands for IT in the 21st century. (Yes, we’re technically 14...
Introduction For the last several decades, customer support has been generally a reactive organization. Not much has changed during this time; customers would contact support when technology goes awry or when they lack understanding in how to configure or optimize the...