
Bitcasa Closes Shop


Ben Woo

Bitcasa, the company that started out as the provider of “infinite [cloud] storage” for its customers has finally shuttered its doors.

Brian E. Taptich, the former CEO, Bitcasa writes the following in an open letter on Bitcasa’s home page:

Bitcasa is no more, and this is not bad news. Thanks to the very hard work, generosity and persistence of a number of folks – from employees to investors and advisors – Bitcasa and its platform have become a part of something much, much bigger.

We have no doubt that Bitcasa has found the right home to fulfill a mission that has driven the company from its 2011 beginnings – to eliminate the storage and computing limitations of your connected devices, however small, in the most secure and efficient way possible. We remain optimistic that, before long (and though you may not realize it), Bitcasa’s technology will yet contribute significantly to fulfilling this mission.

Looking back, it seems impossible to simplify a Bitcasa experience that, at times, felt so complicated. Though only alive for roughly four years, Bitcasa saw many highs and many lows: From TechCrunch Disrupt and Infinite Storage (and then something less than Infinite Storage) for consumers, to CloudFS for developers and the Device Economy… from Mountain View to San Mateo to San Bruno… across North America and Asia and Europe and the Middle East — all of which seemed, even for a well-funded Silicon Valley startup, disproportionately more public and dramatic than is typical.

Our hope is that everybody in the Bitcasa extended family – including our partners and end-users – feels as if they reaped some benefit, however small, from this remarkable and intense experience.

All the best…Tap

Brian E. Taptich
former CEO, Bitcasa

The challenge faced by Bitcasa is that it kept changing its business model. First it was infinite storage, then, due to “abusers” of the infinite storage, it began to limit the amount of storage permitted. The question of course is, how can you “abuse” infinity?

As we get closer to 2020, Neuralytix believes that more and more vendors that started its days in the early 2010’s or late 2000’s will start to feel the heat from their investors to show return or be shut down. As markets mature, such as the cloud storage market, users will demand that its vendors not mess around with their business models, but demand that they have predictable and reliable models that even consumers can budget and rely on.

Regretfully, Neuralytix believes Bitcasa is just heralding the beginning of the demise of a number of vendors in our industry. In our Priorities 2017 predictions webinar, we discussed the acceleration in the consolidation of the market, as well as the failures of some vendors. We did not think the announcement of the first would come so soon after our prediction!

We wish the employees of Bitcasa all the best for the future.

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