
Communiqué – Informatica


Ben Woo
Image representing Informatica as depicted in ...

Image via CrunchBase

In this Communiqué, Neuralytix provides a contemporary view of Informatica. Informatica is one of the few companies in the market that has a deep history in what we call Big Data. It is also one of the few public companies in

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the market.

Current Overview

In a market dominated by start-ups (and up-starts), the Big Data market actually has a number of stalwarts, of which Informatica is one.

While so much of the conversation in Big Data is focused on the infrastructure components of the Hadoop framework, data is ultimately the biggest variable in Big Data. Like any data centric project, having consistent, integral, reliable data is the crux of a successful project.

Informatica believes that 80% of the workload associated with Big Data is in data cleansing – i.e. making the datasets correlate and have consistency between each other and the enterprise. The company sees its singular mission as maximizing the return on data. To achieve this, Informatica has focused itself on eight key areas of data integrity or data “hygiene”:

Informatica represents these functions using the following paradigm called the Informatica Platform:

Informatica Platform

Informatica Platform

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