
Communiqué: SiSense


Ben Woo

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Current Overview

At the Strata 2013 Conference in Santa Clara, Neuralytix met with Amit Bendov, CEO of SiSense, a subscription based (Software-as-a-Service or SaaS) company that began in Tel-Aviv, Israel with US HQ in Redwood Shores, CA. The company launched its solution at the Strata New York 2012 conference last October.

At the conference, SiSense made its 10x10x10 announcement. The 10x10x10 announcement demonstrated SiSense’s ability to analyze a 10TB dataset, in under 10 seconds on a single Dell server that costs less than $10,000.

SiSense created Prism, a cloud and on-premise application that provides business intelligence to enterprises of all sizes. Venture funded with over 400 current customers including Fortune 500 consumer packaged goods (CPG) and pharmaceutical companies, SiSense has delivered Big Data that can scale down to the capabilities of a contemporary laptop.

The SiSense solution includes the ElastiCube (an in-memory columnar) database and its ElasticIQ in-memory query processing engine. The database and processing engine provides business intelligence capbilities, extract-transform-load (ETL) tools as well as web based visualization tools.


Neuralytix has long believed and evangelized that Big Data is not just for Big Business. While there has been a lot of attention given to the Big Data deployments by large enterprises, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can equally benefit from the analytics provided by Big Data. For larger enterprises their sensitivity to spending on new technologies is seeing greater caution and shrinking budgets available for large scale spending.

What SiSense has developed is a solution that can be consumed without complex IT infrastructure and provide Big Data analytical capabilities that can be deployed by individual knowledge workers within any sized enterprise.

The in-memory approach taken by SiSense is analogous to that used by companies like SAP with its HANA platform. Differentiating it from pure in-memory solutions, Prism can take advantage of magnetic disk to extend the scale of its analysis to terabytes of data without needing terabytes of expensive RAM memory. In his own words, Mr. Bendov described SiSense’s solution as one that will “democratize” Big Data.

Neuralytix believes that the SiSense platform combines the benefits of increasingly popular columnar databases, such as HP’s Vertica, with the in-memory analytics platform from SAP, and the visualization capabilities of Tableau Software in a neat package that business users can license for  a fraction of the IT effort and hardware costs.

Big Data is all about time-to-insight (TTI) or time-to-value (TTV) – both metrics measure a similar outcome using different denominators. The ability to pilot a business hypothesis, for a large enterprise; or deploy on industry standard hardware further helps enterprises of all sizes to reduce TTI and TTV. In many instances, this will also increase the overall value that can be expected from leveraging a

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