
Does Your Storage Align With Your Application’s Architectural Principles?


Ben Woo

In this Insight, Neuralytix examines the attributes of modern scale-out applications, such as Hadoop, and what is necessary in a storage subsystem to align with the application’s architectural principles. Users of these scale-out applications are motivated to look at storage subsystems because the standard approach of using commodity servers for both compute and storage can be inefficient and inflexible.

Hadoop and other scale-out applications represent a unique set of architectural principles — as they relate to the way they interact with storage — that are often in direct conflict with traditional storage systems, including scale-out NAS solutions. In this Insight, we discuss these limitations and look at ways of overcoming them, including a solution that fully aligns with scale-out applications.

Read the full Insight here.

This Insight is sponsored by DriveScale.

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